Teaching and Learning in Community of Thinking

The article develops a theory and practice for teaching and learning in a Community of Thinking


The article develops a theory and practice for teaching and learning in a Community of Thinking. According to the theory, the practice of traditional schooling is based on four "acomic pictures": learning is listening; teaching is telling; knowledge is an object; and to be educated id to know valuable content. To change this practice of schooling, educators must replace these pictures in their consciousness. One possible alternative is the Community of Thinking, a framework based on three stages: fertile question, research, and a concluding performance. These stages are supported by a continual process of initiation by which students form the common knowledge base necessary for creating questions and conducting research. Developed in Jerusalem by educators at the Branco Weiss Institute for the Development of Thinking, this framework is currently being implemented in 18 schools in Israel.

Published in Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Vol. 20, Nom. 2, Winter 2005, pp. 136-157